If you remember awhile back I had a couple scarves for men listed in my shop. Both have since found new homes and aside from my line of Unisex Hats there hasn't been anything for men in my shop since. Before Thanksgiving I started forming a pattern in my head that would be appealing to men. But what do men like? Ha...women everywhere ask this question all the time right? :P Well, the best way to start is to think simple. Neutral colors, clean lines, sturdy and for winter you definitely want warmth. With this in mind I created a scarf made from high quality acrylic yarn to hold up against the busy life of a hard working man, but is still great looking (and easy to wash) I wanted to add texture so the pattern then became ridged, which will also help capture the snow and not melt into the scarf and get you wet/cold. The finishing touch? Fringe, not an overbearing amount but enough that it adds a regal touch to your look when going out for an evening. The scarf is wider set for broader shoulders, or it can be folded up for extra padding.
As a women I find when this scarf is folded it works well on me...though a bit long since I'm pretty short ;) But hey, wrap it around your neck and you are good to go!
Shooting the pictures for the Venetian Taupe scarf was a great experience. I had the help of a couple friends who can see together in my Unisex Beanie line. I had a wonderful time finding great locations to shoot and friends to laugh with :) Some of the pictures I took are not on my Etsy site because the scarf isn't true to color since it was shot in sepia, but just as a photography piece I couldn't help myself! So I'll put one on here for you to peek at :D
The picture on the Left is the cover shot for this Scarf available on my Etsy and Artfire shops. The picture on the Right is the Sepia tone shot.
I am so happy with this piece and I hope the scarf finds a new home soon! I have more color ideas in my head so keep an eye out for new ones added to the Venetian Stripes Scarf line!
Thank you all for following my blog! Hello and welcome those who have recently followed! :D