My Mom is in town to visit! :D She's never been to Madison before so I thought it would be a great idea to visit our Zoo. My boyfriend and his family joined us on Sunday and I think everyone had a good time together.
Thought I'd share some favorite pictures of the day with you all!
This is the Polar Bear, he was actually up and wandering around - no swimming though but it was still fun to watch him. I was sad though because they are remodeling parts of the Zoo to make an Arctic area and the Penguins weren't out :( I love the Penguins!

My Mom and I standing in front of the Polar Bear exhibit! You are probably thinking I look like her, I actually am more built like my dad's side of the family (except for the height-that's thanks to my mom :P) The picture to the right is my mom being a polar bear hehe.

Teehee!!! They recently added a Prairie Dog area and this guy was so cute! Don't know how he fit in the holes for the tunnels they have lol. There was also a little baby that wouldn't venture too far out of the safety of the tunnel but look how bitty and cute it is (had to zoom up on him pretty close)! There was a little girl with her family looking at the prairie dogs and when she saw the baby she said "It must've just hatched." Kids are hilarious aren't they?

Another stand out for me was the Tortoise, this big guy was sloooowly making his way to the water area, he had to stop half way there and rest...course if I weighed up to 500lbs carrying that hard shell around I'd be exhausted too! I remember thinking while reading that they can live up to 200 years old 'They have to live long because it takes them so long just to get anywhere.' The picture to the right is my boyfriend's sister-in-law and I standing with the giant tortoise statue :D
Nick (my bf), my mom and I just monkeying around...
Last but not least, a group shot of us 'kids' together on a zoo bench. :) Was a good day!
I hope you had a great weekend too!
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