Hello everyone!
Now that Halloween is over the hustle for Christmas is under way! I've been working hard on some new cozy things to keep you warm for winter and getting some gift ideas ready :)
It's been slow moving for me these past couple of weeks, injured my finger and have to wait for it to heal before I can do any serious crafting again. There are, however, pictures of the coming new items that I'll let you all sneak peek here :) They should be on Etsy soon! If you don't want to wait and would like to custom order your own please contact me and I'd be happy to get it started for you.

Here is a picture of one of the new ear flap hats I've made! I figure they can be unisex and I sized them for One Size Fits Most (and will be happy to make them smaller if wanted for custom orders) Some hats will have pom poms and some won't, the general feedback I got from my friends and family are that men aren't always a fan of fluffy stuff on top of their head :P
This will be listed as the Oatmeal Ear Flap Hat on Etsy so keep an eye out!

Next I have a quick shot I took after making this Infinity Scarf. This scarf is great because it's harder to loose, won't unwrap and fall off when you are in a hurry. And it's super long so it can be wound and worn in different ways to suit any outfit. When I got this yarn (and I have other colors OMG I was so excited!!!) I kept thinking a meshy net-like look would be so awesome...and that's exactly how it came out! I personally LOVE this scarf and was very tempted to keep it for myself >:D But I'll be a good Squishy and share...
Look for Infinite Autumn Scarf or Autumnal Infinity Scarf (I haven't made up my mind yet) coming soon! :)