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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Beach Bag Poll

So as you may have seen, or read about via facebook or twitter, I have a poll under the archives on my blog asking if you would prefer a large beach bag or a small one when looking to purchase such an item.
The Large beach bags I make can fit 2 beach towels plus your other handy pool side accessories like lotion, toys, or a good book.
The Small is made to fit only one beach towel and accessories because hey-not all of us need a whole lot when going to enjoy some sun right?
I just thought I should find out which could be more popular so I can create accordingly.
Of course if anyone wants to custom order one and pick their own color before I make it I'd be more than happy to help! :)
There are both sizes available in my Etsy shop so if you'd like to see the pictures to get a better idea feel free to check out my store -
All input is very much appreciated so thank you!!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Island Waves Beach Bag - SMALL

I don't know about you, but my little sister told me our dad opened the pool already. I'm sure it must have been coooold since she lives in MA but that didn't stop her excitement at all. She sent me a picture of her birthday's a little fuzzy since she took it with her camera phone or something-she's so cute though! 

I listed another beach bag today. This one is small, can only fit one beach towel plus accessories like lotion and some swimmie toys. It's perfect if you like to hit the beach or pool by yourself and enjoy the sun. It's also 100% cotton and eco-friendly if you, like so many others, are going green and want to have a reusable market bag to take shopping.  You might have seen these colors in a previous post when I listed the Island Waves large version that I did as a custom order. Special thanks for the great feedback I received from them :) 
If you'd like to see this bag on Etsy please click >here<. 
Bye for now!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Family Trip to the Zoo

My Mom is in town to visit! :D She's never been to Madison before so I thought it would be a great idea to visit our Zoo. My boyfriend and his family joined us on Sunday and I think everyone had a good time together.
Thought I'd share some favorite pictures of the day with you all!
This is the Polar Bear, he was actually up and wandering around - no swimming though but it was still fun to watch him. I was sad though because they are remodeling parts of the Zoo to make an Arctic area and the Penguins weren't out :( I love the Penguins! 

My Mom and I standing in front of the Polar Bear exhibit! You are probably thinking I look like her, I actually am more built like my dad's side of the family (except for the height-that's thanks to my mom :P) The picture to the right is my mom being a polar bear hehe.

Teehee!!! They recently added a Prairie Dog area and this guy was so cute! Don't know how he fit in the holes for the tunnels they have lol.  There was also a little baby that wouldn't venture too far out of the safety of the tunnel but look how bitty and cute it is (had to zoom up on him pretty close)! There was a little girl with her family looking at the prairie dogs and when she saw the baby she said "It must've just hatched." Kids are hilarious aren't they?

Another stand out for me was the Tortoise, this big guy was sloooowly making his way to the water area, he had to stop half way there and rest...course if I weighed up to 500lbs carrying that hard shell around I'd be exhausted too! I remember thinking while reading that they can live up to 200 years old 'They have to live long because it takes them so long just to get anywhere.' The picture to the right is my boyfriend's sister-in-law and I standing with the giant tortoise statue :D

Nick (my bf), my mom and I just monkeying around...

Last but not least, a group shot of us 'kids' together on a zoo bench. :) Was a good day!
I hope you had a great weekend too!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blue Lagoon Beach Bag - Large and some Squishyness

Woo hoo! On a roll with custom orders this month. I have been working on summer stuff for the store too. I just listed my first beach bag for the store today after one of my custom orders got great feedback. This one is called Blue Lagoon, the blues are very bright and eye catching, so hopefully you won't be able to miss it on a beach :P
Click >here< if you'd like to see more on Etsy.

This is the only thing I'll be listing this week. My mom is coming to visit! We haven't seen each other in a long time so we are both excited. Also this week my boyfriend is graduating college and he's totally stoked about that. When everything settles down next week I'll share some pictures. :)  I think we are all going to the Zoo while she's here-oh and did I mention this is the first time she'll be meeting my bf? That's always fun right? The first time parental meeting -chews off nails- :P I'm kidding I think everyone will get along fine.

So yesterday I woke up ready to pick up some clutter around my room (c'mon all crafters know extra material ends up floating around the place right?) But I also had to clean my fish tank. Over the weekend I moved my goldfish, Yugameru and Shimi (yes I name my fish o.o) to their new home in an orb tank. I took a picture of it :D My cat wants to eat them lol. They used to be in a tank in my bedroom but were waaay to noisy when they picked through the gravel at the bottom...and I like my sleep hehe. So here is their new home. After the tank in my room was all cleaned out I got some new fish last night...3 little guppies!  They are much quieter :P I also took a picture of my lil sucker fish (algae eater) Frey. He's in the tank with the 3 guppies :D
I'll be back next week with some zoo pictures hopefully and maybe some of me and my mommy! :D
Have a great week everyone!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Busy Busy Week!

TGIF!!! Finally made it to 10 sales!! :D -happy dance-
I had a custom order from my grandparents for a beach bag they wanted to give to an old friend :)
I call it Island Waves Beach Bag - Large. I will have some available in my store soon. (Glasses and towels not included :P)
That's not the only thing I had to work on this week. I finished my little sister's birthday present finally. She turned 13 in April and on her birthday I told her she could pick out anything she wanted and what colors she'd like. She is very excited that it's pool/swimming season again (aren't we all) so after putting it all together and brainstorming a name with here we got Tropical Medley Beach Bag - Large. Here is the picture I took for her to see before I shipped it off.

Let's's friday and I currently now have...(counts on fingers) 3 in-progress projects (I rotate, but really wish I could use my toes sometimes :P) and one I finished last night so I feel this week has been a productive one ^_^

I don't usually do this but I also listed an item today.
Sandalwood Basket Beanie - it's the last of the hats I made and will be making for awhile (unless I get a custom order of course). I wanted to get it on Etsy before I started bringing the beach bags and totes in. This hat is like Sand Basket Beanie, has the side box holes with a crab stitch finish that will grip around your head more. If you like the style you can see it on Etsy >here<

Well that's all for now, next time I'm on it'll be with some beach bags! Or you know...random life happenings I have to blog about.
Have a great weekend everyone! ^_^

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What You Feel

I am totally into Smallville...started collecting the DVDs since Christmas and am all caught up. One of the episodes in season 8 called 'The Beast' starts with this hauntingly beautiful song that is definitely on my favorites list right now. Thought I'd share :) Unfortunately, I couldn't get any good music videos showing the characters Chloe and Davis but you can close your eyes and just let the words carry you away....

La Rouge Slouchy Hat

Bon Jour tout le monde ! La nouvelle liste pour mardi. La Slouchy de Rouge est le dernier des chapeaux de slouchy pour le moment. Comme le Slouchy de Sauge c'est une couleur solide, un vibrant rouge et oeil même prenant. J'éspère que vous l'appréciez!

For those who don't understand French....

Good Day everyone! New listing for Tuesday. La Rouge Slouchy is the last of the slouchy hats for now. Like the Sage Slouchy it is a solid color, a vibrant red and very eye catching. I hope you enjoy!

To see this item on Etsy click >here<

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sage Slouchy Hat

Starting out the week with some clear skies but kind of windy. Better than it was on Friday that's for sure. We had thunder so close the apartment shook!

Listed a new slouchy hat today. This one is the first sold colored item in my whole store I believe. I'm a fan of mixing colors together to create something unique but that doesn't go with what everyone wears. So I made a couple solid color hats. This one was made in a sage color. If you remember my earlier post ranting about my old camera I used this slouchy as the example. Looks much better now using the new camera that actually captures the right color shade. 
To see Sage Slouchy on Etsy click >here<

If you are a fan on Facebook this might interest you. I've decided when I reach 300 fans I'm going to have my first give away. So tell all your friends and when that number hits 300 I will post on here how to enter to win!
Have a great week!

Check out some Squishy Favorites on Etsy!